Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 23, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

I was in Manaus. I was returning home and was very tired. When I got home my brothers were not there and I didn't have the key to open the gate and the door of the house. I was a little disappointed, as I stayed outside and had to wait for my brothers to return. At this moment, I heard the voice of Jesus who said to me:
You see, the doors of your house are closed to you, but the doors of my House will never be closed to you, nor to your family members, relatives, friends and neighbors, as well as to the whole world.
Later, when I was praying the Mercy Rosary at 9pm, the Lord spoke to me:
Write down all that you have felt and heard. My Heart is full and rich in mercy. Surrender yourself totally to me, as well as your whole family to this Merciful Heart of mine. Entrust all your brothers and sisters and the whole world to my Mercy. I wish that the messages given by my Mother in Itapiranga be known and spread.